Auto Electrical Repair/Parts Heavy Vehicles in Dealesville
Scroll down the Service Provider List below and click on the Business Name to see their contact details. You can call or WhatsApp them directly from their listing page. Service Provider List
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Nearby providers for Auto Electrical Repair/Parts Heavy Vehicles prepared to service Dealesville:
- Toro Ya Africa Consultants (Pty) LtdUraniaville
BEE Registered. Plant Rental & Mechanical Workshop, Construction equipment rentals, major & minor services & repairs. More than 11 years in bussiness, reliable equipment rentals, accredited by RMI, MERSETA registered.
- Norchman Diesel Tech Kimberley24Hrs
BEE Registered. RMI & MIWA Approved
Mechanical Repairs Auto, cars & trucks workshop diesel & petrol, earthmoving equipment, towing, roadside assistance.
- Alpha Auto Towing CCKuruman24Hrs
Full Workshop, Trained Technicians, Latest Diagnostic Equipment. 5x Rollbacks, 2 Volvo Horses, 3 Lowbeds up to 55 Ton, Rig. Mainly Northern Cape, North West, Free State. But we work throughout SA.
- Road Mec BreakdownsLichtenburg24Hrs
BEE Registered. Services Include: Hydraulic Pipes, Aluminium Welding, CO2 Welding, Parts Distribution, Engine Overaals, Diff Repairs, All Trailer Repairs, 24 Hour Truck Assist Breakdowns. Travelling per Hour - R320.00
- Z Tech Truck&Trailer ServicesIndustrial Area24Hrs
BEE Registered. GRW/HF/CTS/Toro TSPW & HF Axles.
Mechanical Repairs Heavy Vehicles, Approved MAN Supplier, Roadside Assist - Trucks and Trailers, Mechanical, Truck & Trailer Services. Service 200km radius from Beaufort West.
- MAN, Kimberley EE Harris Truck&BusKimdustria
New and used vehicle sales, workshops, mechanical repairs & services.
- Tata KimberleyKimberley
New and used vehicle sales, workshops, mechanical repairs & services. Tata Assist 24hr Roadside Assistance 0861113370.
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